
Giving is a spiritual act. Through our financial support of the ministries of the church, our faith is lived out. Although it is to bring light and life into the many ministries of the church, it is a spiritual discipline. Giving prioritizes and, in a very tangible way, determines God’s place and importance in our lives.

Jesus placed greater emphasis on the importance of sharing our material resources than virtually any other concern: where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Paul reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Giving should come from the heart, and our decisions should always be made prayerfully and in the spirit of worship, as a part of our gratitude and praise to God.

At Burns Memorial UMC, we accept donations of cash, check, credit or debit card (through PayPal). You can give on Sundays by placing your gift in the offering plate or give online by clicking below.

Note:* When you make a donation online Paypal keeps approximately 4 % of the donation. Burns is looking for online giving companies that charge less